Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Training is fundamental to make the most of NSE and Helm. For this reason, the platform Moodle, where the corporate training system can be found, offers courses, tutorials and manuals for the use of both software. This platform also has an Instruction Manual for Trainers as well as an Instruction Manual for Registering Attendance.

The decision to offer in-person or online support during the implementation will depend on the health situation specific to each country.

Yes, both administrative personnel and crew will be trained so they are familiar with the new processes and how the system works.

Both NSE and Helm will be available in English, Spanish and Portuguese (depending on the country) and support and training material will also be available in these three languages. However, in the case of NSE, the main master data will be in English, such as, for example, the Equipment Explorer.Likewise, during implementation of both systems, a specialist who speaks the local language will be available in each country to answer user questions.

The projects do not call for migration of historical records, so we advise exploring options for backing up information offered by current systems in order to back up information of interest.

Tripanko means “rising tide” in mapudungun, the language of the Mapuche people native to Chile and Argentina. The project was so named because, like changes in sea level, the project aspires to be the driving force that raises the level of our operating and service standards. “Tri” also alludes to the three main processes that are being implemented in the project, involving asset, operations and purchasing management.

Both Helm and NS will be implemented in all countries where SAAM Towage operates.

Yes, Nautical Systems will become the purchasing software for the Towage Division. To support this process, a change management and communications plan is being put in place that includes action plans to mitigate possible risks and incidents.

Tripanko also involves standardizing our company’s main processes in order to streamline and optimize management while improving communication between areas, with support from state-of-the-art technological tools.In terms of purchasing and sales processes on a financial/accounting level, the project calls for interfaces with ERPs to be developed in order to allow related processes to move forward correctly. In addition, the systems will use the SAP PI tool to communicate.